Optimization of Two Food Production Facilities: La Petite Bretonne and Fidelio Make a Great Team

In Québec, La Petite Bretonne is famous. Its products are must-haves in the pastry and bakery departments of large and small grocery stores. And, most of us have probably already eaten this brand of mini-croissants or “chocolatines”. However, behind the pastries that brighten up our breakfast tables lies rigorous management of manufacturing operations and distribution.

Finding the right “recipe”: The ERP system selection process

Preparing a million mini-croissants takes La Petite Bretonne one day. In contrast, selecting the right ERP system that meets company needs and goals took them a year, and for good reason! We can’t say it enough: an ERP system is your best ally to gain productivity and competitiveness. Audrey Laurin, VP of finance and administration, understood this. That’s why she put together a team of people from each factory and department of the company to identify and prioritize all the business processes and functional requirements that needed optimization.

Implementing such a critical strategic tool requires a long-term investment. The solution must not only address current needs, but also be able to handle eventual changes in business realities. It was therefore necessary to plan for the future and choose an upgradeable ERP system that could support them for many years.

Audrey Laurin and her colleagues were looking for a team that could adapt the ERP system to their requirements. In short, they were looking for a developer, not just an integrator. Also, the fact that Commsoft Technologies is based in Montréal was an important asset. Indeed, having the ERP software provider within reach and being able to collaborate with Québec SMEs – i.e., speak the same business language – makes it easier to configure certain features. For example, the buy-back process was a crucial point for La Petite Bretonne. In response, Fidelio’s experts took the time to create a demonstration devoted to this process. They presented the current features and discussed improvement options available by special request.
Finally, finding the right recipe is a question of collaboration, communication and teamwork!

The Benefits of Implementing ERP Software

Focus on Data Analysis
“We didn’t want to be data entry clerks anymore.”
La Petite Bretonne didn’t want to spend more time than required on data entry in the management system. Time would be better spent analyzing data and putting business strategies in place. Consequently, the schedule had to be reorganized to free up time for more value-added tasks.

Improved Control Points
"Cashing a cheque, is cashing a cheque. But…”
The entire control process is very interesting. For example, creating a purchase order that, on reception, is transformed directly into an invoice, is a big plus, especially when inventory is linked in real time. The monitoring of costs and quantities, ensuring no errors are made throughout the various steps: all this is automated with Fidelio ERP.
In other words, the trust integrated into the system allows you to reduce and improve all your control points!

Optimize the Core of Your Invoicing
“For us, the crux of our invoicing is the buying back of invoices.”
Previously, the invoice buy-back process lacked flexibility. To address the issue, the teams at Commsoft Technologies and La Petite Bretonne worked together on a customization that would meet La Petite Bretonne’s business needs.

Every Detail Counts
“Searching in Fidelio is so effective!”
It may seem insignificant, but your ERP software’s search features can help you save a lot of time. For example, being able to keep multiple windows open simultaneously thanks to a powerful drill-down operation or being able to search with only the first characters of a word or code without worrying about capital letters or special characters, saves considerable time.

Everything is in Harmony
Each need is filled based on priorities. Whether human or machine, everything works symbiotically. As needs evolve, features are developed or simply put in place if they’re already offered by Fidelio. This harmony is what makes La Petite Bretonne a satisfied customer and this harmony is also what makes the Fidelio team proud to have the manufacturer among its customers.

"Fidelio makes everything easier and more intuitive: data searching, data control and analysis, order slip preparation, inventory management or invoice buybacks.”

Audrey Laurin, VP of Finance and Administration, La Petite Bretonne

La Petite Bretonne Website


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About the author


For over 20 years, Fidelio has been helping small businesses reach their full potential. With Fidelio ERP, our customers optimize their business processes resulting in more efficient operations and enhanced performance.

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