Manage Equipment Rentals Efficiently

Take charge of your inventory, centralize the rental processes with automation, and guarantee precise billing. Stay ahead by visualizing equipment availability, creating contracts seamlessly, and automating invoice generation. Reduce errors, and enhance efficiency with Fidelio's powerful Rental Management module.

business owner on laptop

Equipment Rental Management in Fidelio Cloud ERP

From managing inventory and tracking rentals to generating reports, Fidelio's Rental Management module ensures a hassle-free experience for both your team and customers.

blocks with arrows and magnifying glass
upward stairs
Fidelio Rental Interface

Streamline Rental Operations

Experience the difference – where innovation meets customized efficiency. Having the ability to view equipment availability, generate contracts, and automate the invoicing process, Fidelio's Rental Management ensures a hassle-free experience. Start saving time and lead your rental operations to unmatched success.

Enhance Customer Service

Our rental system automates contract email notifications, and even the full contract itself! This ensures a smooth operation for both you and your customers.  It's more than just service – it's a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Inventory Control

Gain unparalleled visibility and control over your stock levels by filtering rentals by various categories such as product type or even rental time. This will ensure optimal abilities in every aspect of your supply chain. 

See How Our Customers Use Fidelio to Grow

Take a tour of our testimonials. They all showcase the real-world success stories and experiences of businesses that have transformed their operations with our powerful and user-friendly solutions.

Chantal Bergeron

Director of Operations


We streamlined our operations — that was the biggest benefit. All our processes accelerated dramatically. We kept the same staff and equipment, but we needed fewer managers.

Isabelle Gauthier

Business Analyst

Coractive Inc.

Before Fidelio, our company had blind spots in profitability and productivity, and growth was just amplifying the consequences of these blind spots. Today, those blind spots are gone. Every day, we have a precise view of things we couldn’t see into, like the margins on product lines and what quality issues are costing us.

Ewelina Jaroszek

Director of Commercial Operations

Italfoods Inc.

Very quickly, I realized how easy the user interface was. Sharing just with the key people on the team - demos and how the application feels and looks - we thought, oh my God, it’s so easy, so intuitive. We loved using it! We wanted it right now

Kaven Davignon

Managing Director

Miels d’Anicet

We’re analyzing sales and financials. Dynamic views are already speeding up our decision-making. Every day we get better at using it.

Unveil Tailored Solutions

Experience a world of possibilities with Fidelio Cloud ERP. Check out a personalized demo and witness firsthand how our intuitive software can elevate your organization's potential.

business man on laptop