Fidelio Cloud ERP Payroll Processing Solution

Simplify payroll management with Fidelio. Streamline processes, ensure compliance, and enhance your HR capabilities for seamless payroll execution. Experience ease and precision in every paycheck, every time

employee working on computer

Automate Payroll and Deductions

Efficiently manage your payroll, benefits and deductions. Fidelio Cloud ERP meets all government requirements.

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blocks with check marks and magnifying glass on person block

Benefit From A Paperless Solution

Our platform automates payroll and tax processes, guaranteeing authentic payments and deals, so you can focus on what matters most—your business.

Automate Payroll and Deductions

Generate direct deposits, cheques, and essential legislative documents such as T4, record of employment, and provincial employment records. Streamline your payroll processes with ease and precision..

Manage All Your Employee Benefits

Error-free electronic payroll deposit.

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Top-Picked Features by Our Clients

  • Bank of hours (holidays, sick days, mobile leave and more)

  • Icons

    Direct deposits, cheques and legislative documents (payroll, T4, record of employment)

  • Icons

    Employee and supervisor portal

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    Employee profiles

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    Multi-company pay

See How Our Customers Use Fidelio to Grow

Take a tour of our testimonials. They all showcase the real-world success stories and experiences of businesses that have transformed their operations with our powerful and user-friendly solutions.

Stéphane Harvey

Director of Finance and IT

Isolofoam Group

The quality and speed of Fidelio’s project management impressed me. This process change alone saves us five to eight hours a week, not to mention that we greatly reduced the potential for errors through manual data entry.

Audrey Laurin

VP of Finance and Adminstration

La Petite Bretonne

Everything is easier and more intuitive with Fidelio. From data searching to analysis and verification. Preparing orders, managing our inventory and even managing our invoice buybacks.

Kaven Davignon

Managing Director

Miels d’Anicet

We’re analyzing sales and financials. Dynamic views are already speeding up our decision-making. Every day we get better at using it.

Gisèle Chouimard

Director of Finance and Administration

Coractive Inc.

The plus-value is in terms of the information we have. It’s the quality of information, and having that information on time, that enables us to act quickly.

Get Hands-On: Schedule Your Fidelio Demo

Tailor your Fidelio experience. Request a demo to explore specific features that align with your business goals. Our experts will guide you through a customized presentation to address your unique requirements.

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