Fidelio Time and Attendance Management System

Efficiently track work hours using timestamps, timesheets, or mobile apps. Apply customized time and withdrawal policies to manage accrued hours effectively. Streamline scheduling processes for optimized workforce management.

Workers smiling in a meeting

Maximize Efficiency in Work Hour Tracking

Utilize timesheets for accurate hour tracking with Fidelio Cloud ERP. Our system manages time efficiently, incorporating company policies and collective agreements. Additionally, it calculates premiums, overtime, banked time, and more, ensuring compliance and accurate payroll processing.

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Fidelio Timesheet interface
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Your Solution to Precise Timesheet Automation

Explore Fidelio's essential tools to automate timesheet entry, validation, and approval processes. Say goodbye to manual errors and save valuable time by fluidly tracking employee work hours through timestamps and timesheets.

Manage Banked Time

Fidelio Cloud ERP simplifies the management of vacation days, sick days, mobile days off, and overtime.

Schedule Planning Made Easy

Improve holiday and time-off planning to schedule work correctly for the right person at the right time. Access a variety of reports to gain valuable insights into absence management within your SMB.

food and beverage workers in factory

Top-Picked Features by Our Clients

  • Automated holidays and holiday time banks

  • Company policies and collective agreements management

  • Icons

    Electronic timestamps and timesheets

  • Icons

    Employee availability

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    Real-time performance indicators

See How Our Customers Use Fidelio to Grow

Immerse yourself in the stories of organizations that underwent remarkable transformations and elevated their operations with Fidelio's powerful ERP solutions.

Isabelle Gauthier

Business Analyst

Coractive Inc.

Today, all that data is onscreen, in real-time. Instead of spending time gathering data, they refer to the analysis view, and focus on the core of their work.

Gisèle Chouimard

Director of Finance and Administration

Coractive Inc.

The plus-value is in terms of the information we have. It’s the quality of information, and having that information on time, that enables us to act quickly.

Emmanuel Tedeschi

ERP Project Manager

Boulangerie St-Donat

While orders used to be processed manually by an employee, Fidelio’s automatic sorting has reduced order processing time from 2.5 hours to 5 minutes per day. This is also true for invoices that are now imported directly into Fidelio. These 2 automations have freed up the work of a full-time employee.

Hugues Dumont


Baron Tools Montreal

Our purchasing process was transformed. We used to issue P.O. numbers manually by compiling all the orders. Now, as soon as an order is taken, a purchase is created automatically. As a result, the purchasing team reduced the time on their tasks by 50%.

Take the Time to Request a demo

Attend a demo you won’t forget and transform your SMB to greater heights. Our team will walk you through the platform, showcasing how Fidelio can simplify your processes.

business man with laptop