Fidelio ERP Traceability Solutions

Effortlessly retrace and monitor the movement of your products with an integrated solution.

warehouse worker stocking shelves

Stop relying on manual processes and outdated information

Fidelio Cloud ERP enables real-time tracking of raw materials to finished products throughout your entire production chain.

"Our traceability process also improved in effectiveness and time savings. Before Fidelio, we used Access for this process, which was complicated. Now, with Fidelio, every component is identified and recorded the second it lands on our dock and followed all the way to our customer’s dock. Tracing the journey only takes a few mouse clicks.”

- Isabelle Gauthier, Business Analyst, Coractive Inc. -

bar code
Fidelio Expiration date interface
Traceability 3

Instant Access to Key Data

Minimize data entry and human errors with real-time access to relevant information.

Precisely Monitor Your Production Processes

Efficiently reconstruct and optimize your production workflows.

Adhere to Industry-Leading Quality Standards

Streamline traceability and audit procedures for seamless compliance.

warehouse manager scanning packages

Top-Picked Features by Our Clients

  • Batch numbers and batch tracking

  • Icons

    Expiry dates

  • Icons

    Product units

  • Icons

    Product specifications

  • Icons

    Serial numbers

  • Icons

    Warehouse location

See How Our Customers Use Fidelio to Grow

Learn from successful organizations that partnered with Fidelio and see how our solutions helped them grow and evolve.

Isabelle Gauthier

Business Analyst

Coractive Inc.

Our traceability process also improved in effectiveness and timesavings. Before Fidelio, we used Access for this process. As I mentioned, it was complicated. Now with Fidelio, every component is identified and recorded the second it lands on our dock, and followed all the way to our customer’s dock. Tracing the journey only takes a few mouse clicks.

Emmanuel Tedeschi

ERP Project Manager

Boulangerie St-Donat

The product recall exercise now takes three times less time and our first audit since Fidelio went very well unlike the previous ones.

Hugues Dumont


Baron Tools

We knew from the demos that Fidelio developers had a thorough understanding of the day-to-day processes and information needs of distribution companies. That was a big plus.

Audrey Laurin

VP of Finance and Adminstration

La Petite Bretonne

Everything is easier and more intuitive with Fidelio. From data searching to analysis and verification. Preparing orders, managing our inventory and even managing our invoice buybacks.

Converse with our experts

Join us for a demo experience crafted for your organization, highlighting the intuitive solutions that can propel your small business forward.

business man on laptop working