Fidelio FAQs

Find answers to the most common questions about Fidelio Cloud ERP


Find answers to common questions about Fidelio Cloud ERP and ERP systems in general.


What is Fidelio?

Fidelio is a cloud ERP management software for small and medium-sized manufacturing, distribution, and agri-food transformation companies. The system provides a 360° view of the company and manages all its operations from A to Z.


What is ERP software?

An ERP software is a business management system that streamlines operations, improves efficiency, and facilitates decision-making. It collects and manages data from different departments such as finance, sales, production, and logistics. Its main features include inventory management, order management, supplier management, human resources, finance, production, supply chain management, and reporting.


What are the most common ERP features?

The main ERP features include managing inventory, orders, suppliers, finances, HR, and production. Other features include supply chain management, CRM, and reporting.


What is the best ERP for me?

The choice of the best ERP depends on the specific needs of your business, your industry, the size of your company, and your budget. In the case of SMEs, companies can benefit from an ERP system early in their growth. Starting with just a few modules, such as accounting and inventory management.


Is it a local / Canadian product? Or are you based?

Fidelio Cloud ERP is Canadian software developed in Montreal, Quebec since 1999.


Gain insights into Fidelio Cloud ERP pricing structures and licensing models, designed to accommodate your business needs.


Is it possible to have a free trial of Fidelio?

Having a free trial is not possible. However, we provide many self-service demonstration videos.


Is it possible to buy a single module?

No, it is not possible to buy a single module. Depending on your needs, we offer two types of licenses with a predefined list of modules.


What do the rates include?

The rates include the use of licenses ("Manufacturer" or "Distributor"), hosting, and the service contract. The cost does not include implementation, so you should plan for an additional budget.


Is there a minimum number of licenses?

Yes. You need at least 5 licenses.


Explore common questions regarding the implementation process of Fidelio Cloud ERP, ensuring a smooth transition for your business.


How long does Fidelio implementation take?

The implementation time is different for manufacturing companies and for distributors. The average is 4 to 6 months for distributors and 6 to 9 months for manufacturers. The implementation time also depends on your involvement in the project.


How can I prepare?

We provide comprehensive documentation in your client space.


How will I track my project?

We provide personalized project tracking tools on your client space.


What effort does system integration represent? Do we need an IT person?

We need a project manager to lead the project, work with the team, and communicate effectively with Fidelio.


Find answers to common questions about Fidelio Cloud ERP service and support for satisfaction and best use.


How can I contact support?

Our customers have access to a dedicated online platform to track their projects and communicate with support.

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