ERP Consultants: Empower Your Clients With Fidelio

As an ERP consultant, enhance your clients’ success with Fidelio Cloud ERP, offering solutions tailored to their specific needs.

business woman in warehouse

Fidelio: Tailored solutions for your food and distribution SMB clients

Fidelio is the ideal choice for ERP consultants serving food and distribution clients.  We understand the agri-business value chain well, excelling in traceability and inventory management. Our top-notch customer service and reliable system consistently benefit clients, enhancing digital maturity and cost management.

They trust us

La Petite Bretonne
Paral Distribution
St-Donat Bakery

Why do digital transformation and ERP consultants like Fidelio

food and beverage worker


security dashboard on screen


Fidelio CEO and VP


A solution perfectly tailored to the food and distribution industries

Thanks to our vast expertise in food and beverage and distribution, we’ve crafted functionalities tailored to the needs of businesses in these industries. We designed Fidelio ERP with the challenges and best practices of their industry in mind.

"You will never waste your time bringing Fidelio into a food or distribution company."

 - Benoît Cormier, President, GLM Conseils -

A reliable and evolving technology

Fidelio is a modern and reliable system, underscored by our commitment to continual enhancement. We prioritize ongoing improvements to our ERP, ensuring it remains at the forefront of industry standards. We ensure our clients benefit from new advancements, features, and technologies, giving them a modern solution that grows with their needs.

“I know I can trust Fidelio because the system is reliable. It undoubtedly allows us to improve our clients' digital maturity and better manage their cost structure. This enables us to extend our support even further afterward.”

- Benoît Cormier, President, GLM Conseils -

A long-term partner you can trust

ERP consultants can trust Fidelio as a long-term partner for their clients. With a stable, professional team and a commitment to collaboration, we ensure consistency and reliability in our services. Unlike organizations with high turnover, our team offers deep expertise and seamless coordination with external partners, working together for the benefit of our shared clients.

"I have no doubt about the professionalism and efficiency of the Fidelio team. I know the client will be well served during the implementation phase."

- Lawrence Young, Senior Business Advisor -

Discover how these businesses reached new heights with digital transformation

Learn from successful organizations that partnered with Fidelio and see how our solutions helped them grow and improve.

Lawrence Young

Senior Business Advisor


I have no doubt about the professionalism and efficiency of the Fidelio team. I know the client will be well served during the implementation phase.

Benoît Cormier


GLM Conseils

You will never waste your time bringing Fidelio into a food or distribution company.

Gisèle Chouimard

Director of Finance and Administration

Coractive Inc.

The plus-value is in terms of the information we have. It’s the quality of information, and having that information on time, that enables us to act quickly.

Benoît Cormier


GLM Conseils

You will never waste your time bringing Fidelio into a food or distribution company.

Explore all Fidelio Cloud ERP features

Discover our carefully selected features, designed to seamlessly and efficiently meet all your clients' needs. Dive into our solutions and explore the differences that set us apart.

Explore all Fidelio Cloud ERP features

Talk with our experts

Come see a demo made for ERP consultants, showing easy solutions to help your clients' businesses grow. Join us now!

business man on laptop