The Recipe for a Successful ERP Implementation

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  How to be well-prepared for the implementation of ERP software.
  A step by step breakdown of the implementation process.
  Why you need to choose your team with care in order to add value to the project.
  How to determine and communicate your objectives.
  How to put your plan into action.
  What common errors in ERP implementation to avoid.


How to Implement an ERP and Ensure the Project’s Success

On average ERP implementations take 30% longer than estimated. Hence, it is no surprise that implementing an ERP system can be intimidating. This is mainly because not many people in organizations have been through this process before.

So how do you, as a leader of your organization, make sure to avoid losing time and money with a project of this magnitude?

Well look no further, we created this implementation guide with you in mind. We broke down the process to ensure simplicity and accessibility.

In this guide, we’ll debunk some of the myths about the ERP implementation, and help you structure your team and processes to avoid common pitfalls.

We give you the key ingredients learnt from our 20 years of experience in helping manufacturing and distribution businesses become successful. The fact is, by following a few good practices, you can set your project up for success.